Hello! You may have noticed that I have been absent from this blog for a while. That's because my board had changed my assignment. Insert a long and complicated story here, and the result is I am no longer teaching FSL, and now teach homeroom grade 6, sans français.
What does that mean for this blog? Well, there won't be frequent updates, as I am not teaching this subject at all this year. But, I also will not delete all the resources I've spent 5 years creating and posting.
So, this blog will still be here, and I will still maintain it, it just won't be as active as it once was. I don't know if I will return to FSL next year- so this blog may once be again the hotbed of weird and creative ideas.
Until then, I am sharing my homeroom ideas at my new blog Equity EDU at
https://equity-edu.blogspot.com. If you are interested in English lessons and activities (for coverage classes) please pop by and have a look.
Most importantly, thanks for reading my blog for these times. I have appreciated all the support and awesome run-ins with other French teachers over the years. It made my work less isolating knowing that there were other awesome teachers out there sharing ideas. Merci beaucoup à tous! À bientôt!