Saturday 2 February 2019

Prolonged Absence

Hello!  You may have noticed that I have been absent from this blog for a while.  That's because my board had changed my assignment.  Insert a long and complicated story here, and the result is I am no longer teaching FSL, and now teach homeroom grade 6, sans français.

What does that mean for this blog?  Well, there won't be frequent updates, as I am not teaching this subject at all this year.  But, I also will not delete all the resources I've spent 5 years creating and posting.

So, this blog will still be here, and I will still maintain it, it just won't be as active as it once was.  I don't know if I will return to FSL next year- so this blog may once be again the hotbed of weird and creative ideas.

Until then, I am sharing my homeroom ideas at my new blog Equity EDU at  If you are interested in English lessons and activities (for coverage classes) please pop by and have a look.

Most importantly, thanks for reading my blog for these times.  I have appreciated all the support and awesome run-ins with other French teachers over the years.  It made my work less isolating knowing that there were other awesome teachers out there sharing ideas.  Merci beaucoup à tous!  À bientôt!


  1. Merci beaucoup à toi !!! You and your blog are an amazing source for inspiration and motivating ideas. Bon courage et bonne continuation. Hopefully you'll be able to make back to le français bientôt !

  2. Thank you for you comment! It made my day! We will have to see what the future brings for my teaching- que sera sera!

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